Current affairs Notes on 09/06/2018

1.President Ram Nath Kovind inaugurated 73km long National Highway in Tripura. This national highway will connect Matabati to Udaipur-Sabroom. This was constructed in 30 months, and it will help in infrastructure development

2.India, Belgium, and the European Union are jointly organizing events in the Belgian capital and across the country to celebrate the 4th International Day of Yoga.The event will be graced by Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, and Sushma Swaraj, External Affairs Minister of India. 

3.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare signed an MoU with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Norway to extend the cooperation within health sector through the Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) for a period of 3 years starting from 2018 to 2020.The focus states are Bihar, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan and also as a RMNCHA+ partner in Jammu & Kashmir.

4.Prime Minister Narendra Modi has arrived in Qingdao, China, to attend the two-day long 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit. This will be India's first participation in the summit as a full-time member of the organization. India, along with Pakistan, became a full-time member during the Astana summit in June 2017.

5.A team of NASA recently announced Project HAVOC, which stands for "High Altitude Venus Operational Concept." The project details how a 30-day, manned mission to Venus might go down. And while the operation is purely speculative much of the necessary technology doesn't exist yet it marks the first serious plan for how people might explore our nearest planetary neighbor.

6.West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi additional charge of Tripura Governor, during the absence on leave of Tathagata Roy. The President of India is pleased to appoint Keshari Nath Tripathi to discharge the functions of the Governor of Tripura, in addition to his own duties, during the absence on leave of Tathagata Roy, Governor of Tripura.

7.Ministry of Shipping in association with Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushal Yojana (DDU-GKY), Ministry of Rural Development recently conducted a workshop on “Skill Development in the Port and Maritime Sector”.Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) Antyodaya Diwas, on 25th September 2014. DDU-GKY is a part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), tasked with the dual objectives of adding diversity to the incomes of rural poor families and cater to the career aspirations of rural youth.

8.The UN General Assembly has elected Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia and South Africa to serve as non-permanent members on the Security Council for two years starting in January.he five new members will replace Bolivia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands and Sweden on the council.

9.The Centre has handed over the Deocha-Pachami coal mines to the West Bengal government. It is said to be second largest coal block in the world. The coal block is located in Birbhum district in West Bengal.

10.World Ocean Day is celebrated every year on June 8th.Action focus for 2018: preventing plastic pollution and encouraging solutions for a healthy ocean.


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