Current affairs notes on 13/07/2018

1.Hima Daswho is from Dhing village in Assam’s Nagaon distrist bagged the gold at the IAAF World U20 Championship in the 400m event. She became the first Indian woman to win a gold medal at a track event on the world stage.

2.UN Security Council has adopted resolution 2427 aimed at a framework for mainstreaming protection, rights, well-being and empowerment of children throughout the conflict cycle.The resolution strongly condemns the recruitment & use of children by parties to the armed conflict as well as their re-recruitment.

3.The first-ever metal craft exhibition was held in Chilling village, Leh, to promote and preserve the metal craft tradition of Ladakh.

4.National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has completed 36 years of service to the nation and celebrated the 37th Foundation Day on 12th July.

5.India and South Korea have signed 11 MoU's during South Korean President Moon Jae-in's visit to India.  A MoU on trade remedies was signed for cooperation in the area of trade remedies like anti-dumping, subsidy, countervailing and safeguard measures through consultations.

6.The book “Aluminium: The Future Metal” has been authored by Tapan Kumar Chand, the CMD of NALCO.  The book is recently released by Narendra Singh Tomar , the Union Minister of Mines, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.

7.India has become the 69th shareholder of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). London-headquartered EBRD is a multilateral development bank set up in 1991 .

8. Indian Army signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Bank of India (SBI) on the Defence Salary Package that will include free personal accident death, free permanent total disability cover and other accidental benefits to the deceased soldier and family. 

9.Dr. TCA Raghavan is the new Director General (DG) of Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA). ICWA is devoted exclusively for the study of international relations and foreign affairs. Vice President of India is its ex-officio President.

10.India has now become world’s sixth-largest economy, pushing past France, according to the updated World Bank figures for 2017. The US remains the world’s largest economy followed by China, Japan, Germany and Britain.

11.New Zealand scientists have performed the first-ever 3-D, colour X-ray on a human, using a technique that promises to improve the field of medical diagnostics. The technique used is known as Medipix. The technology is developed by CERN. CERN is the world’s largest nuclear and particle physics laboratory.

Thank you....


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